Sunday 13 June 2010

Our Prayer Request:

Pray for our Churches and Pastors that we could encourage and support them spiritually and financially that we could provide Minimum NRs 3000/- which means US$ 41.66 per each Pastors for their Basic Needs regularly.

We are praying to Organize 3 Month Basic Bible Training in Nepal to equip and Train called and committed Youths pray that We get Ministry Partners for co operation and Partnership as soon as possible.

Pray for the Regular Support for Smyrna Church Ministry that it be able to conduct any kinds of Mission work to accomplish its vision. Due to not having regular support and Partners, we are not succession in reaching needed places and people with Gospel and evangelism.

Pray God gives us good Ministry Partner for our entire vision to Nepal.
If you like to Pray in any kinds of Ministry and be Prayer Partners and encourager, we would be very glad, obliged and be Pleasure to accept you and wel come you in our Ministry.

Rev Ps Rajendra
Smyrna Church Ministries, Nepal.

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