Sunday 13 June 2010

Smyrna Church Ministries, Nepal.
Ramnagar 1 Bhumahi, Nawalparsi Dist Lumbini Zone, Nepal.
( a complete church planting and Youth Mobilization Ministry in Nepal.)

Introduction to Pastor:

Rajendra Bishwakarma is the head and senior Pastor of Smyrna Church, Nepal. In 1993, a small House fellowship formed a Church. Ps Rajendra has 3 Children consist of 1 elder son Ruben, and 2 daughter Sujana and Mary. He got married in 1985 with Martha B.K. and statred working for Christ having a burden and vision to work and reach among every kinds of people all over the Nepal.

In 1986, He got chance to addmit in Short Term Bible training of 3 months and also Optimum Mobilization Training ( OM ) in kathmandu Nepal and from the suppor of Training He reached about 36 Disitrict of Nepal and Preach the Gospel to all people reaching door to door.

After that, He starts praying, reaching where God sends, Train People, Mobilize them by faith, ordained them and Plant church in various Parts of Nepal in hilly sides.

He aim at supporting churches and Pastors who are discouraged and going to give up in His work for Christ and ran away. Galatians 6:9.

The Ministry Field and Area of Smyrna Church Ministries in Nepal.

Basic Bible Training ( espically for mobilizing youth in Ministry.)

Youth Ministry ( Voice of Youth Network Ministry ).

Wideos and Oldage people supporting.

Scholarship for Street Boys and Helpless Children.

Supports Churches and Pastors in need spritually and financially.


Its main objectives is to Reach, Preach, Teach the lost people and equip and Mobilize those committed people for the Kingdom of God in very needed places in Nepal.

Send Native Missionary by supporting spritually and financially.

Organize Pastorship and Leadership seminars in co opearation with other Ministry for the Revival in Nepal.

Organize Huge and Mass Open Air Healing Crsuade or Evangelism Crusades in co opearation with whom God Reaveals.

Support Poor, Underprivilaged and Below Poerty Line People and Evangelism them.


To Plant Churches in needed places and support independent Churches and Pastors in their Ministry and Fellowship.

Cooperation and Partnership:

Our Vision is to train and produce the worker for Christ in Nepal so if You Holy Spirit Leads you and if you have a vision to serve and be Partners with us in Ministry in Nepal the we wel come You Heartly:

You can be our Partner in any Field:

Youth Ministry.

Children Ministry.

Oldage and widoes Ministry.

Church Planting Ministry.

Spritually and Financially supporting our Churches and Pastors.

For Link and Suggestion:

Rev Ps Rajendra Bishwakarma.

Smyrna Church Ministries, Nepal

Post box No: 08 Parasi Nawalparasi

Lumbini Nepal.

+977 78 691604

+977 9847046403

email: /

For Youth Ministry:

Brother Ruben Rasaili.

Voice of Youth Network Ministry, Nepal.


Web Site:

+977 9806951490

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